Azuro will continue to offer food proposals that meet the diversified lifestyles of professionals
involved in the food industry.
Supermarket Business
Specializing in sales
Thoroughly utilize the high volume of sales in an industry type
business that is thin-margin sales
Manufacturing and wholesaling
Specializing in food production
Wholesale of self-developed products within the prefecture as well as outside the prefecture
Multi-industry restaurant
Specializing in customer service
A complex food and beverage business with an SM as its nucleus. Bring in tourists as well as synergistic effect
(The store sites will be completed on 2023)By taking advantage of the strengths of each industry, we will create a corporate entity that is possible only with Azuro,
which has stores in tourist locations.
Azuro is a company that can only be created by utilizing the strengths of each industry and setting up store in a tourist location.
Contribute to the community through food
We are committed to contributing to the happiness of our customers, suppliers, and employees and to improving their lives. and contribute to the development of local communities.
Continuing to be a food infrastructure
Becoming a food infrastructure for the community means becoming the one and only restaurant. We are a must for our customers! and to continue to add value to their existence.
1.Create a “co-cultivation system” where
individuals grow and shine
2.Enhance customer satisfaction through the
power of our products and customer service
3.Achieve “productivity improvement” through
selection and concentration
Practice selection and concentration to improve “personnel sales” and “man-hour productivity” and achieve record-high business performance by aiming to improve business performance (increase the number of customers) based on the sales target of “reducing lost cost and lost time” by investing in facilities and equipment.
Contribute to the community through food
We are committed to contributing to the happiness of our customers, suppliers, and employees and to improving their lives. and contribute to the development of local communities.
Continuing to be a food infrastructure
Becoming a food infrastructure for the community means becoming the one and only restaurant. We are a must for our customers! and to continue to add value to their existence.
1.Create a “co-cultivation system” where
individuals grow and shine
2.Enhance customer satisfaction through the
power of our products and customer service
3.Achieve “productivity improvement” through
selection and concentration
Practice selection and concentration to improve “personnel sales” and “man-hour productivity” and achieve record-high business performance by aiming to improve business performance (increase the number of customers) based on the sales target of “reducing lost cost and lost time” by investing in facilities and equipment.